Friday, January 28, 2011

Look what I found!

While Teacher Dave and I were Habitating today, we had to stop at Stewart's for supplies (bottles of water, et cetera) and look what I saw in the cooler!

Yep, that is Four Loko still in the wild.

I had to buy it and Teacher Dave agreed!

Watermelon flavored Four Loko!

I took it to the register and the woman stated, "Something must of changed to allow us to sell it."

"Nope. That's why I am buying it. "


And then she sold it to me.

Awesome, no?

Seeing that this was supposed to be off the shelfs months ago, and the leftovers have been turned into ethanol, this was an amazing fine.

By the way, it was the last one in the cooler.

(and Watermelon?)

So...should I save it, drink it, or use it to strip furniture?

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