Thursday, January 27, 2011

Things that turn 20 this year

Just so that us aging Xers feel a little bit older.


  1. American Music - Violent Femmes
  2. Enter Sandman - Metallica
  3. I Touch Myself - The Divinyls
  4. Let's Talk About Sex - Salt and Peppa
  5. Losing My Religion - REM
  6. More Than Words - Extreme
  7. O.P.P. - Naughty By Nature
  8. Right Now - Van Halen
  9. Right Here Right Now - Jesus Jones
  10. Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana

  1. The Silence of the Lambs
  2. JFK
  3. Cool As Ice ("Drop the Zero and Get with the Hero!")
  4. Drop Dead Fred
  5. Hot Shots!
  6. My Girl
  7. My Own Private Idaho
  8. Point Break
  9. Until the End of the World
  10. The Doors
  1. Scarlett - Alexandra Ripley
  2. The Sum of All Fears - Tom Clancy
  3. The Firm - John Grisham
  4. Childhood - Bill Cosby
  5. Me: Stories of My Laugh - Katherine Hepburn
There you go!

Apart from 1991 being a crappy year for books, do you feel older?


  1. Fuck that shit! I should not have vivid memories of anything 20 years old. *grumble*

    Normally, I don't feel old until someone posts a list like this and rubs it all in my face. Frankly, I find it offensive that they now play Dexy's Midnight Runners on the dedicated oldies station. It's unreasonable to hear that song in the same music bloc as the Temptations.

  2. Apologies for making you feel older, Sarah.


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