Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tuesday Morning Randomness

  • Tag lines that will never be used for a dating website
  • Should I participate in the Bachelor Auction? (OTE has some thoughts on it and Amanda is MCing)
  • Yes, this is what it is like having a toddler make a pizza.
  • All Over Albany promoted the Beers and Books event.
  • Heather has a great post about Plant Based Diets and President Clinton.
  • I missed Keith last night, but since everyone mentioned him, it was like he was there.
  • If you aren't watching Castle, run to iTunes or Hulu and watch last night's episode. (Oh, it is not on Hulu yet, but you can watch it at ABC.com)
  • I am looking for book suggestions.  Please comment here or on Facebook.
  • The Great Beer Walk '11 is coming together.
  • Every time I think of TEA doing this, I get a huge smile on my face.
  • Please do not accuse me of hiding behind e-mails.  I hide behind a pint glass.
  • People feel as strongly about Olive Garden as I do.


  1. Congrats to TEA!! That's awesome:) And yes, you should do the bachelor auction!

  2. Thank you, Maria!

    I had to include your video. It was that precious!

    Are you going to do Beers and Books?

  3. You hide behind lies & hurt all around you -not emails, not a pint glass.

  4. Thank you, Anonymous. I always appreciate when members of the Anonymous Family have something valuable to contribute to the circus of ideas.

  5. @ Anonymous

    Too bad you are barking up the wrong tree...


Be nice. Sign your name.