Saturday, March 19, 2011

Another New To Me Song

Teacher Dave and I were in the truck for Habitat for Humanity yesterday, and this song came of the radio (WEQX, yes, I was listening to commercial radio, and I found something that I liked on it. I am not proud. I do home that the next truck does have hook-ups for AV cables though.).

TD and I were trying to figure out who this was. The voice sounded a lot like Karen O., but the music did not sound like Yeah Yeah Yeahs. I suggested that it could have been the Sounds, as they do have a new album coming out, but the vocal were wrong.

Luckily, the DJ was able to answer our questions as to this band was.

They are The Naked and the Famous. Via Wikipedia, they are a Kiwi band that has been featured on television shows that I don't pay attention to (Vampire Diaries and Chuck) and was named part of the Sound of 2011 by the BBC.

I am chagrined that I have never heard of this band until yesterday. Thanks to iTunes, I was able to grab their album and give it a listen. It is one of those albums like Dying to Say this to You that I can see myself listening to often. Mostly as background music, but cool background music. I admit that it is a little (maybe cheesy is not the right word, but it is the one I am going with...) different from the music I have been listening to as of late. It is much more upbeat and well...popular.

Anyway, give The Naked and the Famous a listen. I can't tell you that you will love it, but hopefully you will like it.


  1. Surprised (pleasantly) that these guys were on commercial radio, they haven't even been big in Godzone for that long.

  2. It is a nice album too. Well produced and a little conventional in a number of different ways but as I wrote in the OP, it is great background music.


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