Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Bunch of Little Things

This is a complete mistake, and as Kempt points out, "while it’s not mechanically impossible to have sex while wearing a onesie, it does seem unlikely."

My father finally got his iPhone. I have suggested these apps for him.
1. Dropbox
2. PhotoShop Express
3. Darkroom
4. Google
5. Wikipedia
6. Urban Spoon
7. Urban Daddy
8. ESPN Score Center
9. CBS Sports
10. MLB At-Bat Lite
11. Mets Lifers
12. GL Golf
13. Slate
14. Atlantic Wire
15. Daily Beast
16. NY Times
17. HuffPost
18. Echofon
19. Skype
20. Google Voice
21. Hashable
22. Pandora
23. Public Radio Exchange
24. Words With Friends
25. Facebook
26. Foursquare
27. Qrank

Can you think of others?

In addition, as I was running around, I realized that I had forgotten my phone charger, and because I had been up since midnight, my phone was running down. I was able to find this. This is a great little device. It charges the iPhone quickly and no cords. I could see having this in my pocket or in my bag at all times and I could also seeing myself getting it for everyone I know who has an iPhone or iPod Touch.

Vulture has a great article about music at SxSW. It has a wonderful quote.

"This showcase isn’t the only thing that poses funny questions about age: There will be official panels, later this week, with titles like "I'm Not Old, Your Music Does Suck" (entertaining the possibility that there are reasons besides old-person grumpiness to feel like music has gotten worse) and "Hip-Hop Crossroads: Growing Up or Getting Old?," organized by the writer Dream Hampton."

Congratulations to England for their Six Nations championship. It was a very well played game, in this lay person's opinion.

Buying jewelry is always...interesting. I had not done it in years.

There is an event going on at Union tomorrow at the Nott Memorial to watch the NCAA Men's Hockey selection show. I do not know if I am going, but I am excited about it. Not making the tournament would be... devastating.

Finally, if you are going to go to a friends' birthday party, and you are drinking a lot on a common tab, it is not the responsibility of the birthday girl to pay for your drinks. That is rude at they very least, and it makes you an awful person.

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