Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What is your favorite "weird" food?

Everyone, or almost everyone, has a favorite "weird" food. Something that they love that other people will turn their noses up at. My father loves a combination of peanut butter, onion and bacon on a hard roll (don't know it until you have tried it) while my brother loves Pop Tarts and considers them part of a well balances diet.

My son will chew on a piece of nori and loves it.

My thing is Marmite. (That link takes you to the "Love" side of the Official Site. If you want the hate...well you know what to do.) Marmite on toast with some melting hard cheese is an awesomely savory snack. For a long time, Marmite on toast with butter was my breakfast every day. I have, on occasion, traveled with Marmite in a small jar in my luggage (very well protected, by the way).

For those of you who are unfamiliar with this culinary delight, from Wikipedia:

Marmite is made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing. The British version of the product is a sticky, dark brown paste with a distinctive, powerful flavour, which is extremely salty and savoury.

There is another version of Marmite made in New Zealand which is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT because everything the Kiwis does is kind of...well...odd. So, for an admittedly odd food, the Kiwis have an even odder version.

Marmite does have a Facebook page, and this combined with iWould means that you could easily find someone who likes this odd food too and would enjoy it as part of breakfast in bed.


What is your odd food?

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