Friday, March 18, 2011

Neko Case from Couch By Couch West

Who doesn't love Neko Case? She is smart, funny, quirky, amazingly talented, and that combination of hot and cute that you can't quite put your finger on.

Well, the folks at Couch By Couch West have Neko playing guitar in her bed with her dog.Watch it at CxCW.

What The Awl asks is if, and rightfully so, this is, "literally the most charming thing ever?" That's a good question. A very good question. It just may be.

Via The Awl & Vulture.

As an aside, I once again have to express jealousy for my friends and such who are in ATX this week. I so wish that I could have been there this year. Maybe next year. Anyway willing to start making plans? Yes, I would want a music badge, but I would be happy with Interactive as well.

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