Thursday, August 4, 2011

And I go off on a rant...

Jon Stewart - Atheists 9/11 - Video | Mediaite

One has to ask about the absence of things related to it such a big deal? I don't know. It wouldn't bother me, but then again, those who it could bother could be self serious douche bags who are further politicizing 9/11 for their own purposes...but I don't know. Let everyone mourn in their own way, and if people are taking solace from something like this at what is ultimately a mourning site for the entire country, and their are going to be a lot of secular memorials, why does anyone give a crap? Oh, right? Some people are not happy about anything and the continued politicization of this site, and that it has taken a decade to do anything with it shows a failure of leadership, of imagination, and of the American Spirit that has supported us during every dark day this young country has experienced. This is a memorial, for those who died that day, and for our country which experienced an unprecedented loss. Let everyone mourn in their own way and stop being so...completely asinine.

I know this may be odd for some because I am...well...not a believer, but sometimes allowing for all beliefs and lack of beliefs to co-exist is more important than the logic versus magic debate.

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