Monday, August 1, 2011

So, is the joke here about the Germans or the French?

Hitler ordered Nazis to make sex dolls so soldiers wouldn't catch syphilis from prostitutes | Mail Online:

"Adolf Hitler ordered the Nazis to develop sex dolls to send to his troops being ravaged by disease after sleeping with French women, it's been revealed.

The synthetic 'comforters' were made from silicone and designed to stop soldiers being laid low with syphilis.

Smaller than life-size, the so-called ‘gynoids’ were to be targeted at the men most at temptation from a ‘quick adventure’ with a French prostitute.


  1. Those ladies were just fighting for the Resistance. Vive la France!

  2. That is...quite possibly the most misogynist remark that I have heard that did not come out of my mouth.

    "Ladies, you can do your fighting...on your backs."

  3. I thought it was funny. It works on many levels. :D

  4. Sarah, I have nothing to say. You are great!

    "We have ways of making"


Be nice. Sign your name.