Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Because I know you don't watch Countdown

Good & healthful food does not have to be expensive. I am working on a project regarding inexpensive food that is good for you and easy to prepare.

Anyway, there has been a bit of a bruhahah regarding Anthony Bourdain and his comments about Paula Deae, with even Frank Bruni weighing in on it.

Here is the problem though...we are fat as a nation, and I am fat as an individual, and it is only getting worse.

I saw a tweet from a blogger who said that she loved the breakfast from McDonald's but she was embarrassed walking into the office with the iconic bag. If you are embarrassed by your behavior, you should not engage in it.

She has every right to be embarrassed about that bag, especially since there are a lot of better options, even in terms of "fast" food.

Buy local, buy seasonal, and for the love of all that is holy, please do not "biggie size" it.

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