Sunday, August 28, 2011

Status Report


How are you doing?

HJ77 and I are surviving in Troy. Thriving, in fact. We (or I) did forget one thing when we were putting our storm supplies in place. Coffee filters.

If that is the worst inconvenience that we suffer, we are going to be very lucky.

I have been up since 5:30 and glued to MSNBC. It is amazing how some of these telejournalists (some of whom have advanced degrees) are like children when it comes to these big storms.

To sum up, it is wet and windy but not so wet and windy that I did not make an apple jack marinade for some pork with the intention of grilling it this evening.

Let me know how you are surviving this storm.


  1. For the record, I made a pretty good coffee filter out of paper towels. :)

  2. Yes, you did. Thank you for showing adaptability. That you and Ashley both had the same idea shows how unfit for adult life I really am.


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