Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Because I have a personal life...

When TEA and I were watching football on Sunday, I casually asked TEA if there were any cute girls in his class that he may or may not be interested in.

He gave me a look.


"No, Dad."

"What do you mean? There aren't any cute girls in your class?"



"There is my life outside and part of my life that is personal."

"Excuse me?"

"But Dad..."

"TEA, I am your father and you can talk with me about anything. You should talk to me about anything."

"Okay Dad"

"So, I am asking if there is anyone that you think is cute. I am not teasing you, I just wanted to know about what is going on in your life."

"No, Dad. Not really."

"Not really?"

"No, Dad, there isn't."

"TEA if there is anything I can talk about it is awkward interactions with girls."

"Yeah, Dad, I know."

What does that mean? He knows?

This moment in parenting theater was brought to you by "I Really Love My Son".

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