Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wow...what a day...

I have other things that I should be doing right now, at 12:30 on Thursday morning, but I just watched an incredible 5 minutes of baseball. I watched Boston lose and then the Rays win. Things like this do not happen, was fun to watch. I feel for HJ77 and my friends and family who are Sox fans, I am happy for friends and family who are Rays fans (yes, I have both friends and family who root for the Rays) and I am excited that one of the New York teams is going to be playing in October. (Karl Ravich's line from SportsCenter: "We started September complaining about a lack of drama. We were idiots.")

It was an odd day. I was struck with hyposomnia again, and feel asleep between 4:30 and 5:30 am, waking at 7:30 to respond to a couple of e-mails and texts and forcing myself out of bed at 9. I ran some errands, and had a meeting before meeting my father for lunch and then helping him out with his new social media project. Yes, my father is now on Twitter and has his own domain. He is entering a brave new world, without all the good soma.

Then I picked up TEA from school and we spent the afternoon and evening together. First stop, the comic book shop (Earthworld, in case you were wondering. They are wonderful there. The staff is amazing and helpful and they love that TEA asks questions and answer in a non-curmudgeonly way.) where we picked up a number of #1s of the new DC reboot, including the third re-print of Justice League (Green Lantern asking Batman what his superpowers are is hilarious in a very geeky way.) and Batman #1.

Then to Junior's so TEA could get wings and a pizza and I could get a salad (Hey! I had a late lunch.) and we could relax. While we were enjoying our meal, the table behind us was populated by a "family" that was having an intervention and there was a kerfuffle. "I was able to pay for this while I was in jail" was an overheard statement. I just handed the waitress my card without seeing the check so we could get out of there post haste. Why Junior's?

Having left Junior's early, we needed to kill a little bit of time before seeing the movie we had been trying to see together for almost a week, so we went to Tierra Coffee Roasters for a coffee and hot chocolate respectively ("Mom wouldn't mind if I had a decaf." TEA likes coffee. Good for him. It is one of the best things in life.) and we looked at comic books, and I fired up the netbook to check a couple of things. It was a strangely adult moment of the two of us and it made me feel really proud to be his father. He is turning into an incredible young man.

Then the movie...

Dolphin Tale

It was a good family movie and it had me in tears more than a couple of times. Yes, there are some great actors who were wasted, but ultimately it is a film about the challenges we all face, that there are losses that we need time to recover from, and there is a subtle indictment of the efficacy of our two wars and the toll that they take on our young men and women and their families.

Yes, TEA made fun of me for crying. It is his right. He is nine.

After the film, I took TEA home and then got involved in a computer issue with him that was...well...a little involved and less than complete. Something to address at another time.

Now, I am home and trying to figure out if sleep is worth it seeing that I have things to do and not a lot of time to do it.

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