Monday, September 26, 2011

Recapping for a Monday Morning

Radiohead was on Saturday Night Live:

Would it be wrong if I admitted that this was one of the highlight of my weekend? (Rhetorical. I think it was awesome. There are a surprising number of you who missed the Radiohead train. I think that is to your determent.) Well, that and Sunday Football with TEA. Yes, TEA and I headed out to watch the Giants beat Michael Vick the Eagles like a dog (too soon? too crass?) while also watching Brady and his Patriots lose to a CFL team. It was, a win-win with pulled pork sliders, boneless wings, and southwestern egg rolls (they were surprisingly okay).

I have, unfortunately, succumb to the great plague of the modern world, or at least those of us who have smart phones that are not...ancient. (If my father has had two phones that are more current than yours, you are using ancient tech. All I see when I see you talking on it is Lee Atwater.) Yes, I am speaking of Angry Birds. Why did I do this to myself? I cannot remember my thought process at the time, but...the download was so easy and the gameplay so distracting and then...three hours later I am wondering where my afternoon went.

Speaking of apps, has anyone used Layar? I like the idea of Augmented Reality in the palm of my hand and this seems like an interesting implementation of this. However I am wondering if there are better implementations or different uses for the technology.

One final thing: I like the new user interface for Facebook. I think that the lists are great and I enjoy seeing more of what my "friends" (because if we are being honest, how many people are we actually friends with on Facebook) are doing and I have set up those lists to see what is showing up in the feed. If you are uncomfortable with the amount of information you are sharing, then maybe you should reconsider being on a social media network. Also, the likelihood that someone actually gives a damn about what you are doing is remarkably low. Just sayin' is all.

Oh, and a mea culpa: FAU, yes, it is my fault that the Yankees lost on Sunday night to the Red Sox. I know that I should not mention the score of any game to you on the phone on a Sunday or Monday evening because that will lead to the team that you are rooting for to lose. I take full blame for that pitch.

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