Monday, September 26, 2011

In praise of...Doctor Who

As a kid, I loved Doctor Who and it has always held a fond place in my mind as a good way to spend an hour while having absolutely no idea what was going on in the teevee machine but being fascinated nonetheless.

Then they rebooted the series and it being more than the campy show of PBS of my memory, it was something special.

Someone who is new to the Doctor posted this on over the weekend...

"How Doctor Who Became My Religion"

Still, after much analysis, I came up with a three step answer. More specifically, one realization composed of three parts. I'll take you through the analysis, but because this is the Internet which exists only to oversimplify things to the point of being incorrect, the basic realization was:
Watching Doctor Who Is Like Having A Relationship With God.
And I don't mean the Doctor is a metaphor for gods we know, the way the lion is Jesus in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. I mean the Doctor is a god. But one we can see and understand. And he loves us more than all the other creatures in the universe. He would die for us, but what he really wants to do is live with us. So it's no wonder the show has fanatics. It's not a show. It's a philosophy. A religion.

While I will not go nearly as far, I will admit that I will happily stay home on a Saturday night in order to catch an episode.

One of the episodes that blew me away was the current season's mid-season finale also know as "A Good Man Goes To War"

Another take, with the eponymous poem:

Even Radiohead admits their fandom.

Radiohead - Up on the Ladder
"I'm stuck on the TARDIS, trapped in outerspace."

So, what do you think? Do you love Doctor Who? Hate it? Have you ever experienced it?

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