Monday, September 26, 2011

Let's Go Crazy?

My allergies, which I only luckily get every three years or so, acted up with a force that is wonderfully unique. Seriously, I tweeted earlier that I want to take a tack hammer to the space between my eyes and I was not kidding. Something else will come to my rescue (Alfalfa supplements have been suggested) but as of now, nothing is working for me.

That does not mean that I am total shutdown mode though, and I had to do some running around this afternoon.

Just because my head was pounding did not mean that my journey was going to be without music. (Really, leaving the house without a book and music would be really odd behavior on my part, I expect to be buried with an iPod and a book just in case I get bored in my casket.)

Using the power of the shuffle, I heard a song that I had not heard since...well...last Friday with Teacher Dave but I did not expect it to shuffle on up (Think about what would be on my Shuffle for a minute...Radiohead, Arcade Fire, Matt Nathanson, David Grey...not something like this.) and it made me feel instantly better (for at least the time the music was playing).

Yep, I was rocking out to Prince in the middle of Price Chopper. I was dancing with my headphones on to Prince in the frozen food aisle (I needed a pizza) and it was awesome in a way that I was completely making even more of a fool of myself than usual.

Prince prompted me to, in fact, go crazy, and it was wonderful.

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