Monday, October 15, 2012

Interesting Things

A Man Jumped From Space
And Gawker found a way to make it seem...tawdry

However, after the jump, had a good piece on the post jump press conference.

The Walking Dead Returns
Everyone's favorite zombie apocalypse series returned last night for the third season premiere. Both io9 (which has given me my new favorite description of Lori: "Everything I Do Is A Poor Decision" Lori and The Atlantic offer recaps.
Celebuzz does have the infographic most made of win when it comes to season three...

How much do you tip?
Last week, The Billfold had a piece on the personal economics of tipping (which...well...I had some issues with, but that it just me...and probably a lot of misplaced guilt.) entitled On Leaving Too Much. Apparently, I was not the only person who had issues with the piece and Gawker offered The Final Word on Tipping as a retort. But it did get me much do you tip? Are you a dollar per drink person? How much does the young person who gets your coffee for you get?


Without comment: Anti-bullying initiative promotes homosexual agenda. (Gawker)

If your data provider thinks that you are being bad, they will take away your ability to play in the sandbox until you sit in time-out, or...if you are accused of copyright infringement, you may be asked to take a user education class in order to have access to the full series of tubes restored. (Boing Boing)

And this made me giggle: Tom Brady (who plays football for some organization based in the general New England made a victim of a fairly tired meme. (Deadspin)

The Kennedy News for Monday: Questions about RFK's Papers and the Cuban Missile Crisis (Slate) and Sotheby's is going to auction off the letters of Robert McNamara, including correspondence with the former First Lady. (The Daily Beast)

And I need to start paying better attention to things...
While I had trouble sleeping over the weekend, I caught up with podcasts, including NPR's All Songs Considered. Seeing that it had been a little while since I last visited them, I had some real catching up to do...including this gem, The Most Important Band of Your College Years. The open to the show references a band from the area called Kamikaze Hearts, which...I am loathe to admit, I was not familiar with. However, the great folks over at All Over Albany were on it and were able to edify me.

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