Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Interesting Things

I am willing to bet that you, before last night, had not given that much processing power over to binders since you were in the third grade and were worried about which Trapper Keeper would look coolest.*

Yes, there was a debate last night, and "Binders" won it (Atlantic Wire).

From The New Yorker: Mitt Romney's Binders and the Missing Women

Via Binders Full of Women

The Daily Beast: Mitt Romney's "Binders Full of Women" Comment Sets the Internet Ablaze
I did have two quips that I was proud of:
1) Obama just said "My hometown of Nairobi..." but he pronounced it "she-cah-go". Interesting.
2) Romney's Pension: Binders full of women.

In other news:
There is a newly discovered planet! 4.7 Light Years Away! Earth-like! (io9) (which, according the WikiAnswers** would take about 15 years to reach.) Discover's Bad Astronomy has a post that has more science...if you are into that sort of thing.

Bad Astronomy also had this:

Gawker helps out with a Loser's Guide to Owning a BlackBerry in 2012. This is presented without comment.

Trolling and Reddit: Slate's Culture Gabfest has a segment with Adrian Chen this week. Chen was the journalist for Gawker who "doxxed" one of the famous on the internet members of Reddit. It is an interesting listen.

*When you were younger, wasn't getting a Trapper Keeper exciting? Then it stopped being exciting and became a chore. This was around 6th grade for me, but I may be misremembering.

**I have no clue regarding the veracity of this claim. However, I am man enough to admit, after three beers or so, I will quote this as Gospel.

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