Thursday, October 18, 2012

Interesting Things

From the BBC: 30 Of Your Britishisms Used By Americans
Favorite: "Wonky, adj. Shaky or unsteady."
Yeah, because that is totally what people mean by wonky.

While Gawker, and the NY Times, buried the BlackBerry yesterday, The Atlantic is here to sing the praises of the device manufacturer.

Speaking of handsets that deserve to have their praises sung, David Galbraith writes in Gizmodo about the design philosophy of Apple, as well as the future of the brand.

And one more about software/hardware companies, issues: Oracle Broke Their Boat. (Deadspin)

I have decided on my makeup for Halloween. (Boing Boing)

File Under Florida is Weird or "I'll Have What She's Having": FL Couple Refused to Stop Having Sex at a Restaurant. (Eater)

Via Salon: When We All Shaved Our Heads. There are lice issues involved. It really is not that big a deal. The shaving of the head, not the lice. I assume that lice is a very big deal.

Which is why they probably need this: A Drug That Removes Bad Memories While You Sleep(Popular Science)
Anyone else think of this?

The Weird Birth of the Moon (io9)

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