Friday, October 19, 2012

Interesting Things

Yes, the Yankees lost. I am not a Yankees hater, in the least, but...I thought that the incredible pissiness of both sides last night was awesome. The Yankees fans with the "A least we got here, losers" and everyone else with the joy in seeing the mighty fall. One would expect Yankees fan to be better about this, to understand that this is jealousy, however, with certain noticeable exceptions, Yankees fans have a tendency to be humorless. (I said I was not a Yankees hater, I can hate on the fans all I want.)

Image from NY Post via The Daily Beast

One of the reasons that I enjoy Wednesdays so much is because I can listen to the Slate Culture Gabfest, and one of the big reasons for that is the crush that I have on Dana Stevens. Well, this week, you can suggest what classic movie she is going to review next. I voted for Robocop but...the choice is yours.

From the Why Does This Matter File: Britney Spears may have smoked meth at some point in the past. (Gawker)

More hatred for cell phone in restaurants...this is people taking pictures. (See the end for the Emily Post thing) However, the reason this is interesting is the connection to Albany. See the story from the AP.

Because I cannot go a day without something zombie related: Uncrate has a list of Essentials for Zombie Hunters...and remember, when the motorcycle is not the expensive thing on the list, you may be in trouble.

Home Designing has "A Hipster Loft" and...I am trying to figure out what makes it so...hipstery. I like it a lot and would happily live there. Opinions?

Movie Projects That No One Wants: A Live Action Family Circus.

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