Friday, March 23, 2012

The Friday Omnibus Post

The Run
I took advantage of the continuing gorgeous weather (more on the weather later) to go for a run at lunch.

Seriously, it is beautiful out there.

The disturbing part, aside from that after a week, my lungs are already a lot more clear, was not that I felt good and could have kept running but that halfway through I saw a turkey vulture flying overhead.

The Weather
The weather this week has been wonderful. Yes, I find it irksome when people complain about the weather but when you praise the weather, I am cool with it. Yesterday, I was able to work from my deck for the bulk of the afternoon. When I went to my friend A's house for dinner (more on that later) last night, I noticed that I was feeling sun kissed. It was even more apparent when I went for my run this afternoon. I am getting good color and that is wonderful because I want to look my best next week (for a couple of reasons and no, they are none of your business). As you know, I do not look good without a good base.

I cooked for A last night because as A admits, she cannot cook, but she can bake. I did something simple. Oven roasted pork chop (olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper) with jasmine rice and mixed vegetables.

Now, the vegetables were the real hit. They were simple. Sweat half a white onion in olive oil and faux butter and then add a cup of mushrooms, a cup of organic sweet corn, and a package of organic cut spinach. Let cook down and together, add some salt, pepper, garlic powder, and some red pepper flake and a little bit of balsamic. Serve hot over rice. (A, please pass this on to M.) Easy and tasty. (Oh, and very healthy)

There was a nice beer to go with the meal.

I love Southern Tier.

The Hunger Games
Yes, the Hunger Games are everywhere today. These are two things that stood out to me as being more than awesome.

1) Being mean to teens. (Who says that all bullying is bad?)

Trolling those who are waiting in line. (Mediaite)

2) The Cruel Policy for Sold Out Shows.

Union Hockey
In less than two hours, Union will be playing Michigan State in the first round of the NCAA Hockey Tournament. I will be watching and rooting for the Dutchman. Go U!

Union did get a really good write up in today's New York Times.

Pull quote that is awesomesauce: "Michigan State has a larger student population, about 48,000, than Union has living alumni."


Happy Birthday, Fish. You are a great friend even as you are a pain in the butt. I hope that you have a great day and I look forward to celebrating with you very soon.

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