Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday Monday

Questionable Content had a great cartoon today. Sometimes the best gift is your child giving you a hug and telling you that they love you.

In light of the TAL decision to refute their report on FoxConn, the Awl has decided to go with a piece about how everyone thinks that David Sedaris is a liar. Gawker has a piece on someone else who was "duped by Mike Daisey".

In New York Magazine, David Edelstein has a great interview/essay with Will Ferrell. Highlight: "‘Okay, you don’t like it, I’m going to make sure you really hate it,’ so I would just take my time. I don’t know, it was like a perverse joy in the agony of it being so painful. I can’t explain that."

Rick Santorum was on Morning Joe. It is worth the watch.

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Finally, does the act of writing something out make it true for you? Over the weekend, I sent a message to a friend, and told them something that I did not quite believe as I was typing (not that it was a falsehood, I was trying to be tactful) and as soon as I hit "Send" it became the truth. Is it the power of suggestion or something else? Just curious.

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