Saturday, March 24, 2012

Saturday Morning Summary

Union Hockey

Union won last night. There was a disputed goal and there is some controversy about it but...Union won their first NCAA Playoff game yesterday!

The Union win was the only game that I picked properly. (Though, I am not unhappy about being wrong about Cornell v. Michigan.)

Look at this though:


Tonight we play UMass-Lowell. We should win.


So, I am either watching the game and eating ribs with a cute blonde tonight or...I am going to a wine tasting with a adorable red head. Both sound appealing for different reasons however, if it is the latter, you know that I will have the game on via my iPhone because I am classy like that. My plans are dependent on what the cute blonde decides what to do.


So, I listened to the Nerdist interview with NPH while I went for my run this morning, and Chris was talking about the Magic Castle (which NPH is the president of) and kept referring to the "tricks" that were going on.

Part of me was hoping that NPH would tell Chris that "They're illusions, Chris. Tricks are what prostitutes do for money." (Looks at children.) "Or cocaine." (And if you don't get the reference, I pity you.)


Because I wanted to avoid the rain, and because I have a number of things that I want to get done today (which means that I will get nothing done and will end up watching hockey all day), I went for my run as soon as I woke up. I thought I would be up early enough that running down Rt. 7 towards Frear Park would be okay because there would be a lack of traffic, therefore a lack of burnt hydrocarbons. I was wrong, and it was difficult. Instead of retracing my route, I ended up running though a neighborhood. I hope that they did not think it too odd to see me running through their very residential neighborhood. After I finish writing this up, I am going to finish my stretching and do a light wait workout. I have a goal. I am trying to meet it. Though, I am taking a weird combination of supplements to ensure that I am able to walk in the morning.

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