Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Aaron Sorkin on Sarah Palin

I'm able to make a distinction between you and me without feeling the least bit hypocritical. I don't watch snuff films and you make them. You weren't killing that animal for food or shelter or even fashion, you were killing it for fun. You enjoy killing animals. I can make the distinction between the two of us but I've tried and tried and for the life of me, I can't make a distinction between what you get paid to do and what Michael Vick went to prison for doing. I'm able to make the distinction with no pangs of hypocrisy even though I get happy every time one of you faux-macho shitheads accidentally shoots another one of you in the face.

Read it at the Huffington Post

I was talking with a friend about Sorkin and is purposely douchey attack (via the writing) on Larry Summers in The Social Network, and I thought that I couldn't love him more then.

This makes me so very very giddy.

Because it does nothing to add to the discourse, it is just there to taunt Sarah and a Palinites (TM pending) and that is a very good thing.
Via Vulture

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