Monday, December 6, 2010

My Year In Pictures

Ashley and I did the Polar Plunge up in Lake George.

Ryan and Dorayne got married!

Anya taught TEA how to Hula Hoop at Pinksterfest!

TEA chose to be Christened a Roman Catholic, and to celebrate, we played laser tag!

I had a thoroughly awful Memorial Day weekend, but I learned that my sister can smoke with her feet.

The Great Beer Walk of 2010 went off with out a hitch.

TEA broke his arm in a Wii related incident.

Paige and Allison came to visit (and they had to see Sesame Street)!

They also had to go to the Biergarten and the Lionheart!

TEA's arm healed quickly and he was cast free for out vacation in Maine.

Shauna was back east, so we were required (Is that a state or local law?) to laugh and drink craft beer.

I met JMFJT and introduced her to kayaking, as well as the wonders of the Rum and Coke.

I had a great birthday (until it wasn't) and TEA was even there to handle the Boot for me.

I continued to do Habitat for Humanity, even on crappy Autumn Days.

I did have to say goodbye to my dog, Curly.

And two weeks later, I had to say goodbye to my grandfather, but the family pulled together and I had a Thanksgiving dinner that couldn't be beat.

It has been a good year, a bad year, and an interesting year. Here is to surviving 2011.

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