Tuesday, December 7, 2010

They keep coming

The they referenced in the title are my dreams. I was afraid to go to sleep last night because of what my subconscious was going to do to punish me. (Yes, sometimes my dreams bother me so much that I put off sleep.) I should have listened to the voice of fear and not slept but no, my body requires it for six hours or so per night and I needed to listen to my body.

That doesn't mean that I was able to turn off my mind.

These dream as a series of vignettes where a person I care about decided that it was in her best interests to torture me using various methods and in several locales.

It was awesome.

Then adding injury to insult, I decided to go for a run this morning and (because I am a idiot of the highest order) did not warm up properly. No, I didn't cool down properly either. Somewhere along the way I did something to my right thigh and now every time I cough of laugh a not so nice feeling runs down the inside of my leg.

I will try to avoid both coughing and laughing.

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