Monday, December 6, 2010

Music and Memories for a Monday

1)I love Sia. I think that "The Girl You Lost (to cocaine)" is strong and powerful and yet still listen-able.

Here is her new video:

What do you think?

I, for one, think that it is beautiful and the song is heart achingly touching. I also believe that if you don't like it you (redacted) and (redacted).

(via Pretty Much Amazing)

2) Big Ben's broken nose makes me happy. Yes, I am wishing pain on another human.

3) I had a series of opinions about the GOP taking the NYS Senate back and while they were similar to what FAU and I talked about before the election, I have a fear that both of us may have been to generous to the Western New York contingent of Senators. Yes, they are about equal in the moderation to Roy McDonald, but there are more of them and a number of then have agendas that fit more into the "Guns Good, Gays Bad" caucus that reflects the general mood of establishment Republicans in other areas with similar flyover features. FAU, help me. You're my only hope. Help me come back around to divided government being good for New York, because I am thinking Guam as the place to relocate to.

4) Even though the last nine minutes of the game was difficult to watch, I did enjoy the Union vs. Yale game yesterday. It reminded me of being an undergrad.


  1. In this case I believe that its far better to be governed by scoundrels than fools and morons.

    Plus, now the Assembly and Governor's Office can actually talk to people in the Upper State House who...what's the phrase I am looking for...oh, right, people who have a clue how to govern.

    First this then Josh McDaniels. Things are looking up.

  2. Yeah, but I am thinking of the Senator-Elect from the NYS 48...and you know how I felt about the current Senator.

    My fear is that there are too many "new people" with ideas that may even scare the current members of the conference.

    I need to make some calls to verify but I want to wait until after the new session is called.

  3. Ahhh, I see. Well, legislative bodies have a way absorbing the nut jobs while letting them be nutty.

    That said, a 32-30 split is bad no matter who is in charge because all it takes is to wackos to hold the State hostage. And I think our goal for SSM in NYS is likely dead for a couple of years. And while that is sad, I know the issue is inevitable so it will happen soon, the wave just needs to break.


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