Wednesday, March 23, 2011

And this is why you always leave a note...

When slaying victim Johnny Altinger was given "weird" instructions on how to find a girl he supposedly met on an Internet dating site, his friends quickly became worried.

Then, when he failed to show up for a planned outing and strange e-mails arrived saying he had gone on a "nice long tropical vacation" to Costa Rica with an "extraordinary" woman, the concern grew and police were called.

Or (for those of you who don't get the Arrested Development shout-out) this is why you don't meet people via the internet.  Especially Canadians.  They always have an agenda.


  1. Didn't Michael Moore say this shit didn't happen in Canada?

  2. No,I think what he said was that why they have more guns per capita, they have less gun violence per capita.

    But I am probably wrong.


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