Thursday, March 24, 2011

New York's Senators for Same Sex Marriage

New York's Senators have recorded messages of support for the Human Rights Campaign and their campaign to legalize same sex marriage in New York State.

From HRC's Press Release:
“The two Senators from New York join the ‘New Yorkers for Marriage Equality Campaign’ at a pivotal moment in the fight for equal rights,” said HRC President Joe Solmonese. “The Senators’ messages of fairness and equality represent the views of their constituents, the fair-minded people of New York. With an increasing number of lawmakers in New York supporting marriage equality, full equality is on the horizon.”

I wish I could properly express how proud I am to be a New Yorker right now, and more importantly, proud of my Senators. While their positions may have changed (meaning they have become more enlightened over the years) they are still supporting their constituents and the will of the people.

A Siena College Research Poll from January had 57% of New Yorkers in favor of legalizing Same Sex Marriage.

H/TCapital Tonight

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