Tuesday, March 22, 2011

In praise of...William Shatner

Author, actor, icon, Canadian, singer, serial monogamist and 80 years old today, is there anything that is not better with a bit of Shatner in it?

While you may know him from some of his more famous television shows like T.J. Hooker, Boston Legal, or $#!T My Dad Says, but I will always think of him as a novelist, and an actor on a couple of very memorable episodes of the Twilight Zone and as the captain on a small cult series from the 1960s called...Star Trek.


He is first and foremost a singer.

Covering Cee Lo's F*** You.

He can also go classic, taking a little know song by an also ran (who remembers Frank Sinatra?) and making it his own.

We was often good about picking music from obscure acts and bringing their music to the public. Like this one.

(For those of you who do not remember, The Beatles were on of those bands that come to prominence after the success of the Monkees, they never toured and eventually broke up.)

Happy Birthday, Bill! May you have 80 more and thank you for all the memories.

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