Sunday, March 20, 2011

Here is how you should be wasting time - Qrank

For those of you who know me, you know that I am a trivial person (and you can take that however you would like to) and that I am sometimes obsessed with trivial matters (again, take that however you would like) and there is an app to fill that need.

That app is Qrank. Qrank is a daily trivia game for the iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch (as well as being on Facebook) that questions you about a number of different topics, most of them "ripped from the headlines" (cue the Law and Order clang). There are now two different quizzes. One is general knowledge and the other is all sports questions.

Here is my suggestion to you:

If you have an iPhone (et cetera), get the app and start playing with me. (You can friend me by using my Twitter account. Speaking of Twitter, you should follow Qrank too.) Like Qrank on Facebook too.

Enjoy the trivial things in life.

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