Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My Top 25 Songs of 2011...so far...

Last month, I posted my top 25 songs for the month of January, and my intention was to post a new list every month, but...and this is how my brain works...what if I tracked what I listened to over the course of a year. I will admit that is was interesting to not reset my play counter at the end of January, in a "I buy my underwear at K-Mart and dad let me drive the Caddy in the parking lot" type of way. Yes, I referenced a twenty three year old movie for that joke. It is my quick wittedness and topicalness that keeps you all coming back for more. Anyway, I have made it through two months now, and this is what I am listening to. I do expect to see a change as the weather gets warmer and I am spending more time outside...or so I hope.

1. Ready to Start - Arcade Fire
2. Southwood Plantation Road - The Mountain Goats
3. Big & Tall - Lifter
4. Overkill - Colin Hay
5. Chicago Promenade - Jason Isbell
6. Thirteen - Big Star
7. Sweet Disposition - The Temper Trap
8. Everything She Wants - Wham!
9. Here I Dreamt I Wans an Architect - The Decemberists
10. Lucifer's Jigsaw - Jaydiohead
11. Instant Karma - John Lennon
12. New York, I Love You But You're Bringing Me Down - LCD Soundsystem
13. No One Sleeps When I'm Awake - The Sounds
14. Oh! Sweet Nuthin' - The Velvet Underground
15. Tightrope - Janelle Monae
16. Lovers' Carvings - Bibio
17. Fuck You - Cee Lo Green
18. Toyko Storm Warning - Elvis Costello
19. Omission - John Frusciante
20. Hallelujah - Leonard Cohen
21. Something About You - Level 42
22. Subdivisions - Rush
23. Hankerchiefs - Winterpills
24. Vagabond - Wolfmother
25. (Antichrist Television Blues) - Arcade Fire

What are you listening to? I would be curious to see what everyone's "Most Played" songs are.

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