Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Randomness for a Tuesday Evening

This song came up on shuffle this afternoon. It made me laugh and smile.

This may be a song from the 1980s that is improved by a keyboard, especially when so many of the artists of the era used a keyboard to replace a horn section.

It was a beautiful day, with signs of spring apparent, and it was good to be out in it.

Hearing from a medical professional (one that you have been seeing for years and has a gruff demeanor to begin with) that, "there is nothing to worry about until I tell you there is something to worry about," is both disconcerting and oddly comforting. I have the feeling that he was not doing anything to save my feelings.

The comments on All Over Albany and Gothamist posts about a "Bicycle Registration and Licensing Fee" are classic.

From the Bill:

"The issuance of license plates will ensure personal protection for cases such as bicycle theft or bicycle accidents, to name a few."

Wow! That's awesome. My bike is already registered with the manufacturer and with Albany PD, and when I was hit by a car in the summer of 2009, I am sure having to register my bike with the state would have guaranteed the asshat with a SUNYA Faculty/Staff sticker would have been brought to justice for just driving away. What are the others? I mean, if there are other benefits, aside from a new revenue stream, would it not serve to Distinguished Member from Queens to elaborate on them?


  1. Ned, if you're not car, you're little people. (With apologies to Bladerunner.)

  2. "Too bad she won't live..."

    Or now seeing that gas is over the $4.00 threshold, "All these memories (of cheap fuel) gone, like tears in the rain"


Be nice. Sign your name.