Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Randomness for Wednesday

Beer Culture: The Tale of Two Countries

As I saw these articles back to back this morning, it struck me about how opposed they are to each other. The first being a request for funds for a documentary about the beer culture of the PNW and the women involved. For The Love of Beer - Celebrating Women in the Beer Industry looks to be interesting and insightful, especially since the beer from the PNW is tasty and the people are fanatical about their superiority regarding it. Take some time to watch the video. Quirky women and craft beer...I could adopt this as a personal favorite.

The other article is about the death of the beer industry and brewery culture in Germany. They have even coined a neologism for this, brauereisterben, which means brewery death. It is a good article about the changing culture of Germany and the abandoning of a certain culture of beer, but...there is hope.

Happy Birthday to Dr. Seuss, who reportedly did not like children. By some of the really creepy situations he put them in, that is apparent. However, one of my fond memories of childhood is listening to my father try to read "Hop on Pop" to my little sister.

Slate asks, "Are NPR listeners the worst people in the world?" I have to wonder what it overlap is in the Venn with NPR listeners and Slate readers.

Yesterday, Mediaite had a piece, that I do not entirely agree with, about the role that anonymous commenters play in an internet and blogging culture. Again, I do not agree with this.

Finally, some housekeeping:

I am well aware that I am behind on my 365 Things to do in Albany list. I have not touched it for two months. I will try to add more to this list in the upcoming weeks.

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