Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I need to know...I want to make plans.

Who wants to do dinner on Saturday night?  

I am thinking oysters and hoppy beer to celebrate the coming of the Lloyd. 

Someone else had a thornier question: what about the time zones? The whole concept of Judgment Day would seem to be based on a flat-earth cosmology, where a single day has a single boundary. The Camping position on the timing is not totally clear—by one account, the Rapture, like the New Year, is supposed to make a circuit of the globe, time zone by time zone. A new batch of the saved will ascend as each set of clocks strikes 6 p.m. On TV this afternoon, though, Camping (now at a podium, before a red curtain) was fudging a little: "maybe" we can even know the hour, he said.


Be nice. Sign your name.