Monday, March 26, 2012

Hey! I resemble this!

Another awesome E-Card - It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.

Food, Glorious Food
I made myself an amazing dinner last night.

No, seriously...I did. Take a look.

What is it? Well, it is jasmine rice and edamame, with a soy sauce glazed chicken. I do not generally like chicken that is not in wing form. (And I do feel for those people who do not live in New York, as they really do not have a chance to understand that art that is the chicken wing. Just sayin'.) It was tasty, especially with my new favorite stuff (the red stuff).

What is it?

Oh, it is Roland Oriental Style Hot Chili Sauce.

It has become my go to condiment. It has a nice heat and good flavor and it makes everything just a little better.

The song that I had stuck in my head for the bulk of the weekend.

No, there is not a story for this. It just happened.

Questions on this Monday morning.

Why does Facebook provide "Recommended Pages" from people that you have taken the time to marginalize within Facebook? I am sure that they can see how I have my lists set up?

If you work out, what do you listen to, if anything? Music, news, books on "tape"? I listen to podcasts, most of them news related. Six years ago, my now-ex-wife asked me, when I was serious about spending at least 90 at the gym per day, what I was listening to and I answered with the news, she was incredulous that I was both killing myself and listen to some of the more boring podcasts ever committed to re-writable memory. These days, there is some news, but it is soft news.

I am really curious about who is visiting AFM these days. I mean, I have always been curious about you, but in the past couple of months, my traffic has spiked to the point where I have no clue is reading any more. I know what you are reading and generally where you care coming from (In this order, New York, California, New England (it is really unfair to lump them together, but they are more alike. Massachusetts leads NE) and Texas, which makes sense.) but I would love to know more. Maybe a survey?

Has anyone read Drift yet? Loan it to me? (Yes, I know it does not come out until Tuesday but some of you are awesome and get copies early. I would appreciate it.) (If you have no clue about what I am talking/writing about, you can read an excerpt here.)

Did you see Rachel on Meet The Press talking about it? (Oh, and DKG was on Meet the Press as well, so the good will that I had because Rachel was on was lost because that...woman...was on.)

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

And finally, those of you that have successfully quit smoking without the used of a nicotine long did you have really vivid and really odd dreams? Was it longer than two weeks? I do not want to use a sleep aid, but I am willing to if it is going to be so very very weird.

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