Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spectacular Sunday

Union Hockey & the NCAA Hockey Tournament

Yep, we won! See previous post. We are awesome.

My bracket is not as awesome.

Being perfect (so far) at Worcester still has not made up for being shut out in Green Bay. We will see how this afternoon works out.

Work Out

I am trying to figure out if I want to go for a run today. I did have one scheduled but I did not get out early enough to make it happen before I was distracted by other things. I have done my weight workout, but...I think the run will help and it will distract me from the other things. It is colder today, and that may be another benefit to staying in. (Though, it is an excuse to wear my North Face Hybrid for something actually athletic as opposed to wearing it as a fashion accessory. Yes, I am trying to be realistic.

Speaking of realism, did you see this piece on Lifehacker last week? (Hat tip to Dan.)

10 Stubborn Exercise Myths that Won’t Die, Debunked by Science

My favorite:
2) Soreness After Exercise is Caused by Lactic Acid Building Up in Your Muscles
I did not know this. I have always believed that it was an acid buildup.

(Edit) I am going to go for a run at 3:00 pm. My hope is that I am going to be able to do four miles before it starts raining again.

Mad Men

Mad Men returns tonight.

I rewatched some of season four last week, and one of the episodes, The Suitcase, reminded me why this is the best program on television. (Oh, Downton fans, please read this.)

If you have any doubts, you should watch this scene.

Don Draper: It's your job. I give you money, you give me ideas.
Peggy Olson: And you never say thank you.
Don: That's what the money is for!(1)

Enjoy the return of Mad Men, people.

I had a great time last night, however, I tried Wine Product that is sold at places like Walgreens or WalMart. It was probably the worst thing that I have put in my mouth.

1) Via WikiQuote

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