Yesterday, while looking for background noise, I came across a television program that I could not believe, for a couple of reasons: A) That there is a niche for this program & B) That there is not an Anti-Southern Defamation League that is actively protesting this program.
What am I talking about?
American Stuffers
This is a show about taxidermy that takes place in Arkansas. The jokes write themselves.
Who decided that this was a good idea?
Have you watched it?
Trayvon Martin
Regardless of your opinion of this incident. This is not about Trayvon. This is about an as**ole and his definition of hackivism.
White Supremacist Hacks Trayvon Martin’s Email Account, Leaks Messages Online
There is a lot more of this and Gawker has been doing well by covering it, in their wonderful style.
Everyday Things with Mitch Hedberg
To commemorate his passing, we thought of places, events or common situations in which you could bust out a Hedberg joke and immediately lighten the mood.
Mitch Hedberg Jokes For Everyday Situations
The Plan
So, it is 5:48 or so right now and I need to really start my day. I promised that I would help Teacher Dave at Habitat for Humanity, but I want to get a run in. Yes, I am trying to get a run in six times a week. Today, I really want to do four with a half warm up and a half cool down. That is the plan, but as all plans go...we will see and you will see when you check out RunKeeper.
Oh dear jeebus is it chilly. I need to think this through...