Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Terrific Tuesday!

Weather and the Morning
To those of you who were complaining about the weather being anything but glorious previously this month, I hope that you find mouse droppings in your Rice Krispies this morning. Yes, I do. Snap. Crackle. Poo. It is cold. It is inconveniently cold. This is largely because I took my top coat to the dry cleaners in order to put it away for the winter, so a good portion of the blame lays at my feet. Luckily, I do not eat Rice Krispies.

I had a moment yesterday. It eventually passed but it took all day to figure out what the root cause was. When I did, I felt foolish. Awesome, no?

Song that was stuck in my head...

This song popped into my head, and then I put it on repeat as I went for a mind clearing walk. It is not that I forgot how great this song is, but it is nice to be reminded.

What does today's Google Doodle mean?
The Washington Post explains.

There are fans of the Hunger Games who are racist and suffer from problems with reading comprehension?
Well, I am f***ing shocked. More than a handful of people posted a link to this post from Jezebel yesterday and they were shocked that there is still racism in this world. *shakes head* I am wondering what they thought? Have they not been paying attention? Where is the outrage about other overtly racist things? Or is it because this was related to a piece of pop culture that they enjoyed?

Two Trayvon Martin Links Without Commentary
Reason: 'Stand Your Ground' May Have Nothing to Do With the Trayvon Martin Case
Mediaite: A Furious Lawrence O’Donnell Interrogates Empty Chair After George Zimmerman’s Lawyer Cancels

My least favorite "enhancement" that websites use
Hey, content distributors, if you are using Meebo, I am much less likely to take your ste seriously. It is crapware and you know it. I know it. They know it. Is there another way for you to optimize your revenue stream?

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