Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Weird, Wet, Wired...the story of Wednesday

I saw this yesterday in Albany.

That lovely vehicle is parked under a sign that reads: Reserved The Bishop

Nice! This did spark a little bit of a conversation on Facebook. It made me giggle.

Union Hockey did not update their rankings this week, and for some reason, I forgot to check the USA Today rankings. For the week of March 19th, Union was third, following BC and Michigan. Michigan lost, so I was assuming that the voters would move Union up but no. Minnesota jumped from sixth to second and Union stayed steady at third. *Le Sigh*

Questionable Content
So, there is something wrong with that?

Military Service and Sexuality
From the BBC via Gawker.

As a gay man he was also afraid of being bullied, and after little more than a week he plucked up the courage to declare his sexual orientation to his commander.

''They asked me if I had any photographs.'' Gokhan says, ''And I did.''

He had gone prepared with explicit photographs of himself having sex with another man, having heard that it would be impossible to get out of military service without them.

''The face must be visible,'' says Gokhan. ''And the photos must show you as the passive partner.''

Just remember this when thinking about voting for someone who will ask thousands of American men and women to return to the closet if they are elected to the Office of President. Not that we are Turkey...I mean they are a secular republic.

Music Video
Matt Nathanson has a video for his new single "Run". I was unable to find a version I could embed. Apologies.

Sleep and Dreams
I went to bed around 10 pm last night. At 2 am, I was wide awake after a nightmare, which I cannot recall, and wondering is this was going to be how my life is going to work from now on. Around 6 am, I fell asleep for ten minutes, but shook myself awake. I started falling asleep again and, once again, ten minutes later, I awoke because I was biting the inside of my cheek. At that point, I gave up and started my day. Oh, there were costumes in my dream. Maybe Victorian. It was very weird and scary.

Start thinking about what you like to sing when no one is around to hear you and judge you.

Unrequited Crushes
Why do I have a crush on Emily Gould? Why? It makes no logical sense.

My crush on Alexis Bledel is very understandable...or is my crush on Rory?


  1. ''And the photos must show you as the passive partner.''

    What? No 'power bottoms' allowed in the military? Well, I guess that's ::sunglasses:: nobody's business but the Turks.

    1. Well played, Stray, well played. Power Bottom and TMBGs in the same comment. Well played.


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