Saturday, March 31, 2012

Saturday Shenanigans

TEA and I eat ribs and fries
Yes, TEA and I had a good night enjoying ribs and fries. (Thanks @FoFacy for the extra sauce.)
Yes, it was yummy.

Goodbye, Keith
I have made no attempt to hide that I am on Team Olbo, but I have not been watching Countdown on Current largely because my cable provider does not have a HD feed of Current and secondly because Michael Moore makes too many appearances. Well, Keith was fired yesterday. (The NY Times has more info here.) Yes, I like the humor of Rachel more at this point and Keith (along with Ed Shultz and Larry) has let his anger and rage obscure his message. I wish him luck and hopefully he will be able to find a baseball related position.

April Fools' Day and the Mets
For most fans, the annual listing of the roster is the April Fools' Joke of merit, but once, there was a great one. The Curious Case of Sidd Finch was a long form prank that was in SI. Splitsider has a good piece on it and it makes me long for the days before a certain level of snark and irony pervaded everything that way written. Sorry. Strike that. I would prefer the snark and ironic detachment to the cloyingly happy prose of most people, given the choice.

Word Choice
I caught up with some internet things this morning and I looked at a friend's LiveJournal (I know. The best platform of 1999!) and she mentioned that I had referred to her as being persnickety as of late (which is an accurate observation) and she remarked that she liked the word. I love the word persnickety. It evokes a very specific feeling of grumpiness.

Placing too much emphasis on trivial or minor details; fussy.
Requiring a particularly precise or careful approach.

Such a great work, but here is the best part. There is a synonym of persnickety; pernickety.

Oh, I love this and I am going to try to use it every chance I get.

Do you have a favorite word?

(I will admit that I have a love for the word sundries as well. JMFJT made fun of me for it. I mean actively mocked me. (Apparently, she is no longer blogging. That is a pity. I could have linked to the post.))

College Hockey
UConn is being considered for membership in Hockey East. This amuses me for a number of reasons but largely because is shows that Hockey East does not care about making their conference stronger in terms of both hockey and academics. So very sad, UConn.

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