Tuesday, March 23, 2010

FAU's Top 25 Albums!

FAU's 25 Top Albums for The Album Project:

Submitted on the condition that you disclose that my collection of "albums" has not really changed since 1996.

1) The Beatles - Rubber Soul (the perfect bridge between their pop years and their more experimental years)
2) Fugazi - 13 Songs (greatest opening bass riff EVER)
3) Led Zeppelin - III (too often overlooked)
4) Violent Femmes - Violent Femmes (I've listened over and over and over again)
5) Paul McCartney - Unplugged (originally released as a limited edition, it was the first album that I RAN to the store to purchase)
6) Cake - Fashion Nugget (gave me faith that there was still good music to be recorded)
7) U2 - Zooropa (totally under appreciated and dismissed for far too long)
8) Billy Joel - Turnstiles (by far his best work)
9) Franz Ferdinand - Franz Ferdinand (first time in years that I was excited when buying an album)
10) The Killers - Hot Fuss
11) Nirvana - MTV Unplugged in New York
12) The Matrix - Music from the Motion Picture
13) Tomb Raider - Music from the Motion Picture (don't judge, just listen to it and enjoy)
14) Ministry - The Mind is a Terrible Thing to Taste (because everyone needs an angry teenage album)
15) Nine Inch Nails - March of the Pigs (and a second for good measure)
16) The Buzzcocks - Operators Manual (essentially a greatest hits, but an awesome one)
17) Pearl Jam - Ten (so hard to pick between this one and VS)
18) Sex Pistols - Never Mind The Bullocks
19) Moby - Play
20) The Who - Who's Next
21) The Velvet Underground - The Best of The Velvet Underground (yes, I know that it's the easy pick)
22) Paul Simon - Rhythm of the Saints
23) Dar Williams - Mortal City (I blame and thank Jester for this one)
24) Edie Brickell & The New Bohemians - Shooting Rubberbands at the Stars
25) Michael Jackson - Thriller (first LP I ever owned, how can it not be on here)

My personal metric for this was, "what are the 25 discs that I could listen to almost every song on and not really want to skip one track?"

Thanks and please keep sending those lists in!


  1. Moby, Nine Inch Nails, & The Killers... All things I contemplated. Great stuff!

  2. No Jesus Lizard and No Nirvana?
    I may have to revoke your 90s card.

  3. Thanks P.

    Erik: I have Nirvana Unplugged on there. I enjoy that one the most for the variety.

    Jesus Lizard is a hard one. There is really no one album that I could listen to straight through. They are a really hard band to take in one sitting.

    And upon further reflection, the only change I would make is #25. I'd replace Thriller with They Might Be Giants - Flood. That Album evokes memories of High School, college and parenthood (I now play it for MLTU).

  4. oh all right. By the way the Nirvana unplugged makes me sob like a baby. I can't listen to it without medication.

  5. There are 90s cards?

    Where do I get one or has mine been revoked already?

  6. you still have your 90s card but I'm not sure about your man card


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