Tuesday, March 23, 2010

KidA1977's Top 25 Albums

KidA1977's contribution to The Album Project.

A Mistake is asking friends to share their top 25 favorite albums of all time. I tried doing one of these a while back, but I found myself doing far too much commentary on each album and it took me so long to write it that I never finished. What can I say, I was voted "Talks most says least" in my high school senior superlatives. That and "Most likely to fall asleep in class" but that's another post. This list is in no particular order except for the first three...

1) OK Computer - Radiohead (Ned saw this coming. BEST.ALBUM.EVER.)
2) Abby Road - The Beatles (the best b-side of any album I have ever listened to)
3) Regatta de Blanc - The Police ("Can't see for the brightness is staring me blind...")
4) Portishead - Live at Roseland
5) Kind of Blue - Miles Davis (cliche, I know, but this and the next one got me through law school)
6) Giant Steps - John Coltrane
7) Dark Side of the Moon - Pink Floyd
8) Guns and Roses - Appetite for Destruction (the best rock album of the 80's)
9) Led Zeppelin - The BBC Sessions
10) Grace - Jeff Buckley (strangely, I don't listen to much Jeff Buckley other than this album)
11) KidA - Radiohead (hard to pick between this and Amnesiac, but it was really close)
12) Rage Against the Machine
13) Ten - Pearl Jam
14) The Joshua Tree - U2 (everyone knows the first five songs, but the last six could be better)
15) The White Album - The Beatles
16) Van Morrison - Moondance (I danced with my wife to "Into the Mystic" at our wedding)
17) Neil Young - Harvest
18) Broken - Nine Inch Nails (Whitney Abbott got me into this album and it blew my tenth grade mind)
19) Tool - Aenima
20) White Ladder - David Gray (never leaves my car)
21) Sand in the Vaseline - Best of the Talking Heads (had a hard time coming up with one album, so I cheesed out and picked a greatest hits)
22) Weezer - The Blue Album
23) Paul's Boutique - The Beastie Boys
24) Dream of the Blue Turtles - Sting
25) Toxicity - System of A Down

Thank you for the list. I really love seeing these and remembering how much I liked certain tracks or the entire album. I found myself searching for songs and albums based on these lists. Thanks to everyone that has contributed and please, tell your friends!


  1. I am suddenly in the mood to go but the Led Zeppelin's BBC Sessions

  2. Pattie, I is amazing, isn't it? He is right on with the No. 1 album too!

    Erik, I am sure the boys would love that!


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