Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Losing Ugly

Republicans weigh costs of losing ugly - Glenn Thrush and Marin Cogan - POLITICO.com:

"The only thing worse than winning ugly is losing uglier.

The Democrats’ ungainly march toward a victory on health care reform Sunday night provoked a graceless response from angry House Republicans, who shouted insults across the chamber, encouraged outbursts from the galleries, brandished “Kill the bill” placards from the Speaker’s Balcony and, apparently, left veiled threats of electoral retribution on the benches of undecided Democrats."

I honestly thought that Monday would be quiet after the historic vote for the (flawed) HCR bill. Maybe I was being naive, maybe it was wishful thinking on my part. Around the interwebs, I see people who were against Health Care Reform saying that the people who were happy about this were uninformed or, frankly, idiots.

So, I am going to say to them what they said to be after the selection of George W. Bush in 2000.

"Get Over It! You Lost!"

Thanks, and hopefully, going forward, we can concentrate on what brings us together (like music) instead of what separates us.

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