Monday, March 22, 2010

Kyle UC's 25 Top Albums

KyleUC contributed his list to The Album Project.

1. Stooges- Fun House
2. Meat Puppets- Meat Puppets II
3. Clash- London Calling
4. Beach Boys- Pet Sounds
5. Captain Beefheart- Trout Mask Replica
6. Neil Young- Tonight’s the Night
7. Ramones- Ramones
8. Beatles- Revolver
9. Minutemen- Double Nickels on the Dime
10. Pink Floyd- Wish You Were Here
11. Various Artists- Nuggets
12. The Eat- It’s Not the Eat, It’s the Humidity
13. Pixies- Doolittle
14. Buzzcocks- Singles Going Steady
15. Faith No More- Angel Dust
16. Neil Young- On the Beach
17. The Fall- Complete Peel Sessions 1978-2004
18. Creedence Clearwater Revival- Chronicle
19. Black Flag- My War
20. The Birthday Party- Junkyard
21. The Monks- Black Monk Time
22. Bob Dylan- John Wesley Harding
23. Richard Hell & the Voidoids- Blank Generation
24. Van Morrison- Astral Weeks
25. Dead Kennedys- Plastic Surgery Disasters

Thanks for all the contributions and please encourage your friends, co-workers, and that cute person you see at the coffee shop to submit one.


  1. Excellent list. Punk rules!

  2. It is. Kyle U.C. is P.'s boyfriend and he has an almost autistic devotion to music. (Which is not a dig at all, he is a great guy.)

  3. Then I would highly recommend he watch Yo Gabba Gabba - I meant it.

  4. Awww, you guys are too nice, I mean it man. I was always curious that there was a kids show called Yo Gabba Gabba, thinking maybe it was like a Saturday morning cartoon about the Ramones a la "the Real Ghostbusters" or something, which would possibly be the greatest show of all time. I believe it is actually about that red dildo-looking guy from the sock monkey commercial, right? Anyways, it sounds pretty trippy, I'll have to check it out.

    And I didn't take that as a dig at all. I'd be the first to acknowledge that I get like Temple Grandin when I'm talking about '70s punk.

  5. If Temple had found solace in punk instead of cows, how different the world would be.


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