Sunday, March 21, 2010

Follow Up To The Ohio Tea Party Attack on The Man With Parkinson

Chris Matthews interviews the President of AFP which is reference to this post from earlier.

How many people who are Tea Party Patriots or adherents to Glenn Beck's 9/12 Project identify as Christian? Would you venture to say that it is a majority? The reason I ask is because far too many Christians are cafeteria Christians, taking one verse from the Old Testament and another from the New Testament and the combining them to for something that does not fit within mainstream theology which they couple with a spurious understanding of American History and Political History.

I am looking forward to this being over one way or another.

If you want another perspective, The Young Turks covered this incident. Hearing Brian Unger say that, "You just can't reason with these douchebags," made me happier than I care to admit.

(Link to the MSNBC hosted video)

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