Thursday, March 25, 2010

FPR's Old School 25(or 26) Top Albums

FPR's Contribution to the Top 25 Album list for The Album Project.

ned, i'm going to do this off the top of my head, just to be genuine about the whole thing.

1. The Velvet Underground and Nico
2. Berlin, Lou Reed
3. Bringing It All Back Home, Bob Dylan
4. Take No Prisoners, Lou Reed
5. Blonde on Blonde, Bob Dylan
6. Purple Rain, Prince
7. American Recordings I, Johnny Cash
8. New Sensations, Lou Reed
9. New York, Lou Reed
10. Birth of the Cool, Miles Davis
11. Man of La Mancha, original broadway soundtrack with Richard Kiley as Don Quixote
12. Shamokin, Mostly Other People Do the Killing
13. Leonard Cohen Live in London
14. Velvet Underground Live 1969
15. Ready to Die, Notorious B.I.G.
16. Doggystyle, Snoop Doggy Dogg
17. It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back, Public Enemy
18. Musiquarium, Stevie Wonder
19. Velvet Underground (1968)
20. Scarecrow, John Cougar Mellencamp
21. Saved, Bob Dylan
22. Live at Max's Kansas City, Velvet Underground
23. Pet Sounds and Smile (tie) Beach Boys/Brian Wilson
24. Sticky Fingers, Rolling Stones
25. Has Been, William Shatner

Okay, FPR cheated a bit with #23 but it is a great list nonetheless!

Please keep sending them in and sharing your favorite albums!

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