Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I had never seen Capturing the Friedmans and when it was mentioned on Slate's Culture Gabfest it was brought back to my attention. For some reason, apart from the director having a new film coming out (or maybe it is already out) this week in wide release.

So, when it was on the Sundance Channel today, I felt it necessary to watch it.

Now, I understand the hysteria of the era, but...I hate myself for hating everyone involved in this case.

No one, from Investigators, to Family Members, to the Documentarians, comes across as normal, stable, or having their own self interest or the interest of their family and their community at heart.

There are evil people everywhere (and pedophiles are the worst, well sex offenders in general, but you understand what I mean) but this...upsets me to my core.

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