Sunday, December 12, 2010

Gift Ideas for under $50

Seeing that the economy continues to be awful, let me suggest some great and thoughtful gifts for under $50.

1) The Book and CD combo: House of Leaves and Poe's Haunted. Perfect for your horror fan who also likes indie music. Poe wrote the album with the book (her brother's book) in mind and they match well together.

2)The DVD and the Comic that inspired it: It could be Batman (The Dark Knight/The Long Halloween), Watchmen (Graphic Novel/Film, or Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (Graphic Novel/Film) this makes a great geek gift.

3) The instant date: The date film (Maybe (500) Days of Summer), a bottle of good yet cheap wine (like the Terra Rosa Malbec Mendoza) and a twenty five dollar take out gift certificate to the favorite restaurant of the giftee! It is a good night and everything is taken care of.

4) The shaving kit: A shaving brush, good shaving soap, a small (maybe very) bottle of good aftershave/cologne, and a package of the razors of their choice. I know I would appreciate it, especially if the shaving soap was something new and cool.

5) The hanging out night: A board game, a make your own pizza kit, and a 6 pack of good beer.

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