Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dreams are like sleeping based movies

I was trapped in an office building (along with a number of friends, family members, and randoms) that was being terrorized by an unknown number of mercenaries with an unclear agenda.

Yes, I am being vague here but it wasn't made clear in the dream, and after reading through that, it seems a lot like the plot to Die Hard, but I swear it gets better and less derivative.

Anyway, I was tasked by the group to stop the mercenary/terrorist on the floor above it. All we had to defend ourselves were Nerf guns, including the rifle, and I was loaded up (and provided with a number of extra darts) for bear (much like Sarah Palin, which is the subject of another blog post because I think I had an epiphany regarding her popularity) and I got into the elevator (because that was the easiest thing to do and it was a dream) and rode it to the floor above. There was no "ding" to let the terrorist/mercenary know that I had arrived. I had the the rifle ready as I walked into the hall and I saw her standing there. The mercenary was a very large woman with ginger hair and she was holding a M-60 (told you she was a large woman) and as she looked at me, and my "weapons", she chuckled to herself and asked me if I was serious.

I lifted my Nerf rifle and started hitting her in the face with darts, over and over, until she dropped her machine gun, and backed up into the wall.

She raised her hands to stop my barrage and started pleading with me to stop, saying that she was "Only 16."

Dude, what does that mean?

She crumpled to the ground and I leaned in to find out more information, asking her why she was doing this, when someone else (I wish that I knew who it was) tazed the mercenary/terrorist.

And then I woke up...

What does it all mean?

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